According to the Associated Press, most of the Holocaust survivors did not know the youths were Palestinians from Jenin, one of the more militant anti-Israeli strongholds in the West Bank, and the youths did not know that they were performing for people who endured Nazi genocide, or even what the Holocaust was.
Reportedly, as a host announced in Hebrew that the young people were from the Jenin camp, there were gasps and muttering from the crowd. Conductor Younis then explained in fluent Hebrew that the youths would sing for peace, prompting the audience to burst into applause. “Inshallah,” said one woman, using the Arabic term for “God willing.” The performance began with an Arabic song, "We sing for peace," and was followed by two musical pieces with violins and Arabic drums, as well as an impromptu song in Hebrew by two in the audience.
Younis said the main mission of the orchestra, formed seven years ago to help Palestinian children overcome the trauma of war, was to bring people together. “I’m here to raise spirits,” she said. “These are poor, old people.” An 18-year-old keyboard player named Ali Zeid reportedly said he was shocked by what he learned about the Holocaust. "I feel sympathy for them . . . Only people who have been through suffering understand each other." Zeid said his grandparents were Palestinian refugees forced to flee the northern city of Haifa during the war that followed Israel's creation in 1948.

For her part, conductor Younis denied that the issue was political, saying Jenin officials wanted to take over the orchestra to get its funding. "They want to destroy this group. It's a shame, it's a tragedy. What did these poor, elderly people do wrong? What did these children do wrong?" she said.
Indeed. In the eyes of the Palestinian "leaders," those poor, elderly people did wrong just by being Jews. The children and Ms. Younis did wrong by showing them compassion, and by raising a hope, however, remote, that their people and the Jews might be able to live together in peace and humanity. This is dangerous, subversive, and depraved heresy to the gangsters who rule the West Bank and Gaza (Fatah or Hamas, respectively; they're both the same). For them, there is only one allowable destiny for a young Palestinian: to be raised into a hate-filled robot, incapable of feelings or thoughts of their own, and good only for martyrdom to the cause of religious/ethnic murder. Ignorance, fear, and hate are the tools they've used for decades to keep their people subservient and in line. Allowing any other way would expose their own moral bankruptcy, undermine their authority, and lead to their ultimate irrelevancy. This is the way it always is with gangsters, wherever they hold sway.

Wow! How sad to hear of something so peaceful to be disbanded in such a gangster-like way. Don't they realize that music can be the international language of love and peace?!
It's a shame that the world's political/meadi in general, have become one huge propoganda machine. I fear that soon, the United States will fall under a regime frame of mind. The average citizenry will just accept what is dished out to them and free thinking will cease to exist. The US Constitution is in grave danger, bit by bit it is being chipped away at with alarming speed. It's all so frustrating...our society is mindlessly being led to the slaughter and they're allowing themselves to be led. WAKE UP, people!
I must stop, before my head explodes.
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