The judge's ruling comes about three weeks after school administrative employee Michelle Winkler was cleared of civil contempt charges for asking her non-school-employee husband to to read a prayer blessing that Mrs. Winkler had written for noninstructional employees of the school district being honored at an event off school grounds.
These developments are encouraging. Thank God (this blog isn't a public school, so I can say that), the Pace High School defendants were not fined or jailed for innocent expressions of faith not aimed in any way at students. Judge Casey seems to acknowledge that even the "separation of church and state" has limits, and that public school employees are people, whose religious faith and expression are legitimate personal interests which the government cannot expect or demand be totally abandoned as a condition of employment in the public school system.
But the fundamental problem remains. These people should never have had to endure these proceedings, or to worry about their livelihoods, careers, or freedom. The hammer wielded by the ACLU may have been held back for now in this case, but it hangs still over all public school districts and their personnel, ready to fall on anyone whom that organization decides might chink the "wall" that they believe exists, or should exist, between public education and religious faith.
The problem is uncertainty about where the proper line is between acceptable religious expression by school personnel and expression that becomes the functional equivalent of systematic religious indoctrination. The latter would not be appropriate for a variety of reasons, not least that a public school should be equally welcoming to all and serve the secular educational needs of all children in the district, so that parents can send their children there in confidence that their primary role in the children's instruction about religion will not be usurped or drowned out. Keeping public school districts free from the systematic promotion of one faith is also essential to preserving and fostering religious freedom for all students and school personnel.
I believe, however, that these goals can be met without ruthlessly purging the schools of every last vestige of religious thought and expression, which is the ACLU's apparent object. As Judge Casey seemed to recognize, doing so isn't realistically possible unless public schools are allowed to employ only atheists (and could they be trusted to scrupulously avoid saying anything to disparage religion?) or automatons without any of the personal convictions, doubts, dreams, or feelings from which religious thought and expression typically spring. Nor is it necessary, especially in a high school where students are of an age at which they generally have enough independence of mind and judgment to approach others' occasional religious expressions critically (albeit, one would hope, respectfully).
Perhaps most important, turning public schools into "faith-free zones" isn't desirable from an educational or social standpoint. As much as cynics and atheists deplore the fact, religious belief is an inescapable part of life and a driving force in the world around us, as well as an ineradicable part of our culture--even of modern culture. To stop the mouths of teachers and the ears of students against it would deny public school children the chance to learn not only what has inspired so much of the history, literature, art, and music to which they will be exposed, but also how properly to relate to adults and peers who have a religious faith or don't have one, how to treat them all respectfully as individuals and members of other cultures, and how to understand and cope with the forces that motivate others' behavior. If we're serious about promoting tolerance and diversity in our schools, we should be welcoming responsible religious expression there, not forbidding it. What will really disserve students is not exposure to religious faith, but the kind of rigid, sterile orthodoxy of non-religion that the ACLU wants to enforce.
It's welcome, but not enough, that Messrs. Lay and Freeman, and Mrs. Winkler, were acquitted of contempt charges in this particular case. Until public school districts start putting common sense and educational interests above "legal fees" in dealing with ACLU intimidation, and until courts have the wisdom and courage enough to articulate an appropriate medium between promoting and purging religion in the schools, their employees will remain subject to threats of prosecution for things as innocuous as bowing and praying silently during school hours, when it's obvious to a student or anyone else present that that is a prayer.
In my opinion, the ACLU is not attempting to protect the freedoms of all Americans. Rather is attempting to promote the beliefs and values of their continuants—primarily those who are white, college-educated, middle and upper class, politically-liberal individuals. They actively disenfranchise minorities, immigrants, and those of lower-economic status through discounting and discrediting the ethnic and cultural heritages practiced by those they oppress. Its actions represent a history of political bias, religious intolerance, and cultural genocide due to their ethnocentric ideologies and lack of inclusivity and tolerance.
This is one of the best analyses of the situation in Florida I've ever read! Those whose faith is important to them should stand up and tell the ACLU to get out of their face, and not be afraid to say so. Thank God for the judge in this case too; one with brains in their head for a change. As you've said, these battles were won, but the war still goes on. Let us not lose heart!
It is infuriating that government schools pick and choose which religions/views are appropriate to tolerate. If one in Muslim, one is safe. If one is Islamic, safe. Homosexual, safe. Buddhist, safe. Liberal, safe. Peanut-intolerant, safe. Sexually active, safe. Christian/Judeo, banned. Heterosexual beliefs, banned. Constitutional adherist, banned. Pro-life, banned. French-fry lover, banned.
How is it that the government can pick and choose what we can and cannot teach our children? What we can and cannot feed our children? Line us up like cattle in the chutes to receive the H1N1 flu virus...have there even been any conclusive studies as to possible side-effects of this vaccination? And yet, millions will do just that, herd up and get their shots without any published studies to back up the safeness of this shot. But the government will yank the can of soda out of our hands and replace it with a condom to give to the school children.
And last, but not least, we cannot pledge allegiance to God or our country, but we can line babies up in kindergarten and teach them to pledge allegiance to Barack Hussein Obama...Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm! It's all just so convoluted!
Great post, Tom. Sorry about my rant. Please fix my spelling errors in my previous comment.I was engrossed and did not check my spelling, grammar, or punctuation. I think I hyperventillated.
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