I'd be happier if I thought killing bin Laden would bring that about, but I doubt that it will (unless God so wills it). His chief mentor, adviser, and right-hand man Ayman al-Zawahiri -- allegedly the "real brains" of al-Qaeda and the closest thing it's had to an operational director since 9/11 -- is still at large. Certainly bin Laden, an astute businessman, made sure long ago that his untold wealth was secured and distributed in such a way that it would be available to his minions whenever and however he met his end on this earth. Worse, he's cloned himself tens of thousands of times over across the globe, and has left legions of jihadis eager to avenge his death at our hands. He's even established hosts of schools and camps to train up new ones still in their youth and yet to be born. Far from ending radical Islam's war on the West, the killing of bin Laden may usher in a new and even more murderous phase of it. We may soon find ourselves praying for many more thousands of victims, even in this country.
We must remember that bin Laden and his followers are steeped in a culture of death. They seem to love dying as much as they love killing, and find greater zeal with every new drop of blood shed, whose ever it is. Bin Laden spent many years sowing dragon's teeth around the world, and we may soon have to battle, even on our own soil, the armies of crazed warriors sprung from them. Are we ready for that war, spiritually and materially? I wonder. The prospect fills me with dread and sadness.
And I fear that the immediate consequence of bin Laden's killing may be shameless political manipulation for the benefit of certain "leaders" in Washington and elsewhere, who celebrate today even as they work tirelessly to bankrupt this nation morally and financially, and so rob us of the strength we need to survive our enemies' onslaught. Will we succumb to well-wishing and complacency, and maintain these sappers in power--just because one criminal, out of thousands or millions, was brought down on their watch?
Again, I don't condemn what was done, and I don't feel "bad" about it--certainly not for Osama bin Laden. I salute the brave, capable men of our armed forces and intelligence apparatus who carried it out. I just don't share the euphoria. Go ahead and celebrate an early Fourth of July, everybody. I'll be on my knees praying for a real national deliverance.
My sentiments exactly. I don't believe his death has diminished one iota, the depth and breadth of his terrorist activities and organizations. Now we hold our breath and wait for the shoe to drop. On the very day that millions cheered the beatification of Pope John Paul II, some of the same millions cheered the death of a notorious murderer. Pope John Paul extended his forgiveness to his assasin, Jesus looked with pity on those who betrayed Him. Yesterday was Divine Mercy Sunday in the Catholic Church. I do believe Holy Mother Church weeps over her children who find satisfaction and jubilation over the political events of the day.
Your post is one of the best, and most thought-provoking, things I've read, in the wake of bin Laden's death. While I am happy he is dead, I know there are many out there who would see him as a martyr, and want to avenge his blood. Thank God for the courage of those who carried out the mission. But let's not treat this like a July 4th celebration, either.
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